Life, Death and Chalkboards


Death is morbid.

Let’s talk about life instead, yeah life, that stuff is great!

Unfortunately that’s like day without night,  Batman without Robin and Bert without Ernie. It just ain’t gonna happen. Although like all dynamic duos one wouldn’t be quite as strong without the other. Synergy is great and all but do we really need the gooey bloated death stuff to make the sunshine bright life better?

In a word… maybe.

The science bit. Studies have shown that people who have experienced an out of body or near death experience undergo a psycho-physical change that alters the way that they live their life. Furthermore anyone can join in; Atheists, Christians and the Jedis are all equally likely to experience such an event and the resulting life improvements. Neither is such an event dependent on whether you are black, white, blue, old, ugly or new. The after effects have been shown to include a reduction in things like materialism and the pursuit of conventional success and an adjustment to a life built on the pursuit of happiness with a focus on the needs of others. Very Zen.

That was all a bit heavy. Sorry.

All that heavy stuff is great for those lucky enough to be mauled by a ferrel badger or the victim of a segway hit and run. What about those less fortunate. How do you enrich your soul to make life sweeter without the icy hand of death on your shoulder. Here at Inspirez we don’t want anyone rushing to nearly ‘off’ themselves even if they are BFFs with Dr Quinn medicine woman, just in case she has an off day. Maybe there is an artificial way someone can empower change in their life. The first stage could be to decide what kind of person you’d like to be and the things you’d like to do with your time on our little corner of the Milky Way.

One person who is trying to make this happen is American artist Candy Chang who in her TED talk ‘before I die I want to‘ tells of her New Orleans project where she covered a derelict building in one of the cities troubled neighbourhoods with a giant chalkboard.  The instructions if you haven’t already guessed were for members of the community to complete the statement before I die I want to …..  with something personal to them. A powerful project that had real benefits to those who participated. Enough to be life changing? Probably not. Enough to get started? Probably yes.

How to capitalise on a good start then. What about the original question. Before I die I want to? There is surely more than one thing you want to do before you meet your maker. It doesn’t have to be all fluffy tear inducing love cuddles and perhaps there should be more substance than watching cats use roller blades, remember roller blades? Anyway. What I’m getting at here is all you need sometimes is to make a start with the things you want to do and the very first thing you should do is ask yourself that question again but repeat it over and over until you have that favoured thing we love called a bucket list. Check out an example here. What’s on your bucket list?

Death may be morbid but only for those that never really live.
